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Saturday 30 December 2023

PHOTO GALLERY #39: Limnos, frigate of the Hellenic Navy

Photos by Christos Koffas
HS Limnos, Elli-class frigate of the Hellenic Navy
This photo gallery showcases the Elli-class (Kortenaer) frigate, HS Limnos, belonging to the Hellenic Navy (HN). The HS Limnos is part of a fleet of ten (10) Kortenaer-class frigates (nine in service today) acquired by Greece between 1981 and 2001. Notably, it is one of the two frigates in this class, alongside HS Elli, procured completely new while still under construction for the Royal Netherlands Navy (RNN). The remaining vessels were obtained as second-hand units between 1993 and 2001, following their retirement from the RNN. A unique feature of the HS Limnos and HS Elli is their distinctive armament, which includes two OTO 76mm guns and two Phalanx Close-In Weapon Systems (CIWS). This sets them apart from their counterparts within the class. For a substantial period, these two frigates held the distinction of being the most modern and powerful vessels in the Hellenic Navy, until the introduction of the first Hydra-class (MEKO 200HN) frigate.The two ships received an MLU in 2006-2010. Enjoy the photos!

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Sunday 1 October 2023

FLEETS #33: Voksmarine, Bundesmarine, Royal Netherlands Navy and Turkish Navy in Cold War

The following images illustrate the most important classes of warships that were in service with the navies of East Germany, West Germany, the Netherlands and Turkey during the Cold War. All the images are created by In that page you can read some excellent naval history articles, to download other graphs or you can purchase the same graphs in high resolution in the online shop! More posts will follow for your collection of current naval fleets but also of fleets from the past.
East German Navy (Volksmarine) in Cold War

East German Navy (Volksmarine) in Cold War

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Monday 4 September 2023

Three new Tehnomont fast patrol vessels for the Cyprus Port and Marine Police

The new Cypriot 18-meter fast patrol vessel
The Government of the Republic of Cyprus – Ministry of Justice and Public Order – Cyprus Port and Marine Police (Coast Guard) has received three (3) new fast patrol vessels from the Croatian shipbuilder Tehnomont. The first of the boat, named Kyrenia (Patrol Vessel; PV 31), was launched in May 2023 and the rest two, Kantara (PV 32) in June and Pentadaktylos (PV 33) in August, at the company's shipyard in Pula. TEHNOMONT SHIPYARD PULA Ltd is listed as the leading Croatian shipyard of medium dimensions, and the fact that they are one of the leading builders of aluminum ships on the Croatian market. The shipyard, which has some 150 employees, will deliver also two 25-meter firefighting vessels for Greece by the end of the year.

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Sunday 2 April 2023

INFOGRAPHICS #62: Future Surface Combatants Vol. VΙI (Tamandare-class, SIGMA 12516, SIGMA 10514)

 Written by D-Mitch

In this post, I include some of the infographics I made and published on social media, about new surface combatants that are under construction and about to enter service in the near future as well as proposed designs to various recent competitions but without a customer yet.

1. Tamandaré-class light frigates/corvettes of the Brazilian Navy (4 ships)
Tamandare-class light frigate/corvette of the Brazilian Navy
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Friday 24 March 2023

Ten new Kewatec high-speed patrol boats for the Cyprus Port and Marine Police

Press release by Kewatec Shipyards

Kewatec SAR 850

Government of the Republic of Cyprus – Ministry of Justice and Public Order – Cyprus Port and Marine Police (Coast Guard) have ordered ten (10) new high-speed patrol boats from Kewatec. The boats are aluminum-hulled RIB-type with foam fenders. The boats are capable of a top speed of more than 50 knots. The boats are a new model called Kewatec SAR 850 and will be handed over in the second half of 2024. The boats are designed for several operational needs for example patrolling, sea rescue, special missions, and coast guard. The boats will patrol the coastal areas of Cyprus and territorial waters up to 24 nautical miles from the nearest shore.

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Tuesday 28 February 2023

INFOGRAPHICS #61: Future Surface Combatants Vol. VΙ (ΜΕΚΟ Α-300, HF2, SIGMA 11515 EXT.AAW)

Written by D-Mitch

In this post, I include some of the infographics I made and published on social media, about new surface combatants that are under construction and about to enter service in the near future. In this Vol. VI post however I will include some designs that have been proposed to various Navies' competitions but until now they have not find a customer.

1. ΜΕΚΟ Α-300 frigate, a TKMS design that was proposed for Greece (FDI HN won the competition) and Poland (AH140PL won the competition)

Indicative equipment of a MEKO A-300 frigate by TKMS

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Tuesday 31 January 2023

The future of the Hellenic Coast Guard Fleet (2020-2027)

The following article is in Greek language and analyzes the future purchases and the important issues regarding the future of the Hellenic Coast Guard ships and boats.

Από Ανώνυμος Λιμενικός και D-Mitch

Η "ναυαρχίδα" του ΛΣ-ΕΛΑΚΤ σήμερα, το ΠΑΘ Γαύδος
Στις 25 Νοεμβρίου 2022, το
Λιμενικό Σώμα – Ελληνική Ακτοφυλακή (Λ.Σ.-ΕΛ.ΑΚΤ.) εκτιμώντας τις παρούσες και μελλοντικές ανάγκες της χώρας ανακοίνωσε διαβούλευση με την αγορά για προμήθεια δύο (02)  Πλοίων Ανοιχτής Θαλάσσης (ΠΑΘ) ολικού μήκους άνω των 80 μέτρων. Πιο συγκεκριμένα, το Αρχηγείο του Λ.Σ.-ΕΛ.ΑΚΤ. ανακοίνωσε τη διενέργεια ανοικτών και δημόσιων ενημερωτικών συναντήσεων, μη δεσμευτικής συμμετοχής οικονομικών φορέων (διαβούλευση-τεχνικός διάλογος), με σκοπό την ενημέρωση του Λ.Σ. / ΕΛ. ΑΚΤ., «για τις νέες τεχνολογικές εξελίξεις και τη συλλογή πληροφοριών που κρίνονται ουσιώδεις στο πλαίσιο κατάρτισης τεχνικών απαιτήσεων/προδιαγραφών για την “Προμήθεια δυο (2) πλοίων ανοικτής θαλάσσης άνω των 80 μ.” συνολικού εκτιμώμενου προϋπολογισμού 160.000.000 ευρώ». Το πρόγραμμα συγχρηματοδοτείται από την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση (Ε.Ε.). Συνοπτικά, στις τεχνικές απαιτήσεις ζητείται η μέγιστη ταχύτητα των πλοίων να είναι 27 κόμβοι, θα δύναται αν φιλοξενήσει 40 άτομα πλήρωμα συν 30 επιβαίνοντες, θα διαθέτουν ελικοδρόμιο για την προσνήωση και εξυπηρέτηση ελικοπτέρου κατηγορίας 11 τόνων, καθώς επίσης και δύο μη επανδρωμένων ελικοπτέρων με μέγιστο βάρος απονήωσης 200 κιλών, υπόστεγο για τη φιλοξενία των μη επανδρωμένων ελικοπτέρων καθώς δυνατότητα φιλοξενίας και επανδρωμένου ελικοπτέρου της τάξεως των έξι τόνων και τέλος θα έχουν μόνιμο οπλισμό που θα αποτελείται από ένα τηλεχειριζόμενο πυροβόλο των 30 χλστ. και δύο τηλεχειριζόμενα πυροβόλα των 12,7 χλστ. (περισσότερες λεπτομέρειες εδώ). Είναι η πρώτη φορά στην ιστορία του Λ.Σ.-ΕΛ. ΑΚΤ. που συζητείται η προμήθεια πλοίων τέτοιου μεγέθους αφού μέχρι τώρα τα ΠΑΘ ήταν μικρότερα των 60 μέτρων.

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